We typically hold tryouts twice a year during the beginning of the fall semester and the beginning of the next 2nd semester either during IAP or Spring. We allow all eligible undergraduates who express interest to try out. Tryouts typically last 3 weeks.
Process and Timeline
Info Sessions
The tryout process begins with 2 info sessions, typically held during the first week of the fall/spring semester. Both sessions cover the same content. Attendance at these is not mandatory, but highly encouraged. If you absolutely cannot make either session, you should send an email to pistol-exec@mit.edu to express interest in being included in the tryout process. To find out the exact time and date that the sessions will be held, come by our table at the Activities Midway during Orientation the week before, or else request this information by filling out this form.
Safety Lectures
The first few sessions of tryouts consist of mandatory safety lectures. Attendance at all of these is required to officially take part in the tryout process.
During the rest of the tryout process, practices are spent learning about various marksmanship techniques and then applying them in the range. Recruits will be taught how to handle their air pistol and improve their marksmanship over the course of the tryout process.
Practice Match
Tryouts culminate with a practice air pistol match, held the last weekend of tryouts. This match simulates a real air pistol match, and gives everyone trying out a chance to test their marksmanship skills.
Team Selection
After the practice match, the team will accept a number of new members onto the team. Though practice match scores are an important consideration, attendance, personality, coachability, and attention to safety are also important parts of the selection process.